This past weekend, Prince George played one of the most honored roles at his grandfather’s coronation. The centerpiece of the ceremony at Westminster Abbey included the young prince as Page of Honor.

There are numerous centuries-old royal customs, including what to eat, how to eat, how to stand, and how to act in specific circumstances. The importance of dress code was naturally a hot topic of conversation at the coronation.

Prince George had a say in the outfit he chose to wear on King Charles’ special day. According to the publication, the 9-year-old convinced his granddad to change clothes before the coronation by visiting him. The cause? It’s quite depressing.

At least for supporters of the monarchy, King Charles’s coronation unquestionably will be remembered as a significant success. The royals were cheered on by thousands of Londoners who lined the streets, and everything seemed to go off without a hitch.

Millions of people tuned in to see King Charles and Queen Camilla be crowned at Westminster Abbey, despite the protests of some who think the Royal Family’s existence is an unnecessary expense in the modern world.

According to reports, 20 million Britons tuned in to witness the historic event at its climax on Saturday, making it the most-watched TV program of the year. Nevertheless, it drew considerably fewer viewers than Queen Elizabeth II’s burial, which received an estimated 29 million watchers in September of last year.

The Westminster Abbey wedding went off without a hitch, and the royal couple celebrated their special day with the traditional handshake on the balcony of Buckingham Palace as jet jets flew overhead. Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis, along with their parents, Prince William and Kate, greeted people outside the Palace.

There is no denying that King Charles and Queen Camilla stole the show on the coronation day. Prince George, a future king, was given the noble task of serving as one of the Pages of Honor, demonstrating that the Royal Family was gradually giving him more and more responsibility.

Even though it will be many years before he is expected to begin working full-time, it’s intriguing to see that he is already getting ready for his responsibilities in the future.

Naturally, Prince George was the focus of attention on the coronation day. He did an excellent job in his duties and received appreciation on social media following the ceremony.

According to all reports, George’s parents, Prince William, and Kate Middleton, tried their best to prepare him for coronation day.

The Prince and Princess of Wales made an effort to provide George with all he needed to be successful, despite apparently fighting in the past about whether or not their eldest son was prepared for a big role in the coronation. He and his younger siblings Prince Charlotte and Prince Louis received training of a type, claiming royal authority and author Ingrid Seward.

Of course, neither William nor Kate had ever attended a coronation, but they were given a detailed schedule of Charles’ special day. According to reports, the royals wouldn’t be practicing before the ceremony, but Will and Kate believed supporting George in the greatest way possible was essential.

They are supposed to have chosen a rather exciting approach—theatre.

Before the coronation, royal authority and novelist Ingrid Seward remarked, “She and William hope George won’t be too daunted by his responsibilities by making it fun and re-enacting parts of what their grandfather will be doing.”

He will participate in the King’s Procession through Westminster Abbey’s nave along with the other three.

Additionally, William and Kate took their kids on a “virtual tour” of Westminster Abbey before the big event using their computers.

“Any anxiety [George] could experience as the youngest page will be reduced if he can picture where he is supposed to go and what he is going to perform. The other three boys are, respectively, 13 and 12 years old,” Seward said.

The royal expert went on to say, “He will also have to get used to the idea of wearing the red-coated livery and lace of a page of honor, as I can’t see him going in a jacket and tie.”

“Prince Michael of Kent, who was 11 years old at the late Queen’s Coronation, remembers his buckle shoes and dark green velvet jacket and how his schoolmates made fun of him for wearing ‘fancy dress.’ George has undoubtedly received some taunting, Seward said.

But on that particular day, he will triumph over his buddies. He will be present when they watch TV, but they won’t. He will never forget it, for sure.

The various coronation attire proved to be a sight unto itself. Officials from all around the world arrived dressed in the most exquisite attire, with some using the occasion to honor their nation’s traditional attire.

Kate Middleton wore an official robe over an ivory silk Alexander McQueen dress, while Prince William wore the ceremonial dress uniform of the Welsh guards. According to CNN, it was embellished with stitched roses, thistles, daffodils, and shamrocks made of silver bullion to represent the United Kingdom’s various nations.

As previously indicated, some of the international visitors dressed more traditionally. For instance, the Crown Princess Kiko and Prince Akishino of Japan wore patterned silk kimonos with an obi belt over their morning suits. Bhutan’s Queen Jetsun Pema and King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck continued the theme of traditional attire.

The King and Queen of Bhutan both wore a Bhutanese Gho, according to CNN, and Queen Jetsun Pema wore a lilac-colored kira, a traditional wrap dress common in Bhutan.

Prince George, a Page of Honor, dressed in distinctive, historically-based attire. But first, the young prince made up his mind to go up to his grandfather, King Charles, and tell him that he wanted to wear something different.

According to the Daily Mail, 9-year-old George made some coronation history when he convinced King Charles to alter the storied attire worn by the Pages of Honor.

Why? The future king, it is reported, was terrified of being teased by his classmates at school.

“George, one of four pages assisting the monarch, voiced his concerns about having to wear white knee breeches,” the Mail stated.

According to a royal source, Prince George was also reluctant to wear tights due to potential “ribaldry at school.”

Now, one may assume that royal traditions are unchangeable or difficult to alter. King Charles has been quite receptive to modernizing the monarchy over the years, both in terms of traditions and the idea of reducing the number of working royals.

King Charles is believed to have listened to and respected George’s requests when he spoke with him about the topic of attire for the coronation.

The breeches and tights were swapped out for trousers once the King gave his approval. Charles was unable to raise an objection. He had already made up his mind to wear naval pants in place of his own breeches.

However, he annoyed his tailor by continuing to wear the tights-only buckled court shoes. His trews were crumpled, the newspaper reported.

Prince George’s involvement at his grandfather’s ceremony reportedly led to a “bit of an argument” between his parents, despite months of rumors that he would play a significant role at the coronation.

According to one expert, Kate Middleton and Prince William were concerned about the burden being put on the young royal’s shoulders.

William and Kate were concerned that the strain could be too much for the baby prince at such a young age, according to royal observer and author Tom Quinn.

He told the Express, “I’ve heard from my contacts that there is a little of a debate going on as to whether George should take a more formal role. I’ve heard Kate and William are concerned that he won’t be able to handle it.

A royal source also discussed the potential that William and Kate believe they are placing too much pressure on their kid an interview.

According to the royal source, they “cognize that he is old enough to understand what’s going on.”

However, they are aware that when George returns to school the following week with his friends, normal life resumes and the events of the weekend are sure to be the topic of conversation.

It is obvious from looking back on the coronation that the Prince and Princess of Wales had no cause for concern. On the grandest of royal venues, their eldest son delivered an amazing performance, but only time will tell what the future holds for Prince George.

According to reports, the young prince has already warned his friends to “watch out” because his father is the king-to-be. All indications are that the young Prince George is beginning to properly comprehend his position within the monarchy and the responsibilities he will have going forward.

Since he frequently “gets taken away” to take part in royal duties, such as photo shoots with his grandfather, father, and the late Queen Elizabeth II, Prince George is well aware that he is “very different” from his siblings Charlotte and Louis, according to royal expert and author Katie Nicholl, who made this claim a few years ago.

George “understands that he is in a special position,” according to Nicholl. The fact that Prince William and Princess Catherine treat all of their children equally is essential.

He is “being introduced to him gradually” to the grand scheme of his one day becoming a ruler.

In July 2020, Nicholl stated, “The entire enormity of what his life will one day be isn’t something he’s fully aware of yet.

“I think George understands, like William did from a very early age, that he’s different from his younger brother and sister, and that he’ll have a different future,” she continued.

What did you think of Prince George’s performance as the coronation’s Page of Honor?

And do you believe he will ever rule as king? Please let us know your thoughts by sharing this article with your Facebook friends and family.