Woman who ‘died and was in heaven for 3 days’ reveals a chilling vision of the future

The idea of life after death is a topic that has fascinated people for centuries. Different religions and philosophies have varying beliefs regarding what happens to us when we die. Some believe in an afterlife or reincarnation, while others think that death marks the end of consciousness. The scientific community has yet to reach a definite conclusion, and these beliefs largely stem from personal or cultural perspectives.

Julie Poole, a self-proclaimed spiritual guru, has dedicated her life to sharing her teachings on this subject with others. Her journey began at a young age when she experienced significant hardships, including physical, mental, sexual, and emotional abuse. While these experiences left her devastated and deeply affected her life, they also strengthened her spirituality.

Julie has always been open about her life events, and recently she bravely shared her story of a close brush with death after attempting suicide. In her twenties, she took an overdose of medication, which led to a near-death experience. During this experience, she claims to have entered a spiritual realm that resembled heaven and had glimpses of the future.

In a video, Julie recounted seeing her guides and angels surrounding her during her time in the spiritual realm. They gently lifted her and transported her to the Higher Realms. She vividly recalls uttering the words, “I’m going home,” but they reassured her that it wasn’t her time yet. According to Julie, the spirits warned her that the challenges and overwhelming nature of returning would be too difficult, but there was more for her to do in this world.

Three days later, Julie returned to her normal form on Earth, but she still remembers some of the words spoken to her by the spirits. She also shared that during her near-death experience, she was informed by aliens about an upcoming “Golden Age” for mankind, set to begin from 2012 to 2032.

Julie explained that this “Golden Age” refers to a shift in power dynamics that have long been dominated by the few, leading to abuse and control of the masses. “All of that has been held by the few and has controlled the masses,” she emphasized. However, she firmly believes that this new era will bring equality and expose the falsehood, corruption, and deception that has plagued society.

According to Julie, this shift will not lead to an Armageddon-like scenario, but rather a transition where corrupt individuals in positions of power are exposed and removed. People with pure hearts and intentions will take their place, ushering in a time of positive change.

Julie’s story is truly incredible, and she invites you to watch the video below to learn more about her experiences and beliefs regarding life after death and the upcoming “Golden Age.”

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