Spoiled Teen Learns a Lesson in Kindness from His Observant Father

At 17 years old, Andrew was a young man used to living the high life, which sometimes made him forget the value of treating others with respect. His behavior changed when his father witnessed him mocking a flight attendant.

“Can you hurry up?” Andrew complained, trying to pass an elderly man who was being assisted by a flight attendant. Andrew paid no heed to the man’s difficulty in walking and rushed to his seat, unaware of the eyes watching him.

As the aircraft ascended into the sky, Andrew, who had been on countless flights since he was a child, lifted the window shade, feeling both restless and eager to return home after his first semester away at boarding school.

Looking to pass the time, he went for his tablet but left his bag awkwardly sticking out of the overhead bin.

The same flight attendant who had been helping the elderly gentleman approached him.

“Excuse me, sir,” she said, “Your bag is sticking out and the bin isn’t closed properly.”

“Then why are you telling me? Just fix it,” Andrew rudely responded, barely looking up.

Despite the lack of courtesy, the stewardess calmly closed the compartment and continued with her duties.

Still in a grumpy mood, Andrew started munching on peanuts but quickly spat them out in distaste. With a wave of his hand, he summoned the flight attendant again. “These peanuts taste horrible! Get me something better!” he demanded, flinging the packet at her.

Trying to maintain her calm demeanor, the stewardess replied, “Sir, please calm down. There’s no need to behave this way.”

“I’ll act as I please!” Andrew snapped back. “You’re here to serve me, so do it.” His disdainful remarks caught the attention of nearby passengers.

An elderly man seated next to Andrew, the same one he had previously mocked, could not stay silent. “Young man,” the older passenger interjected, “it’s not right to speak to her in such a manner. Her job is to assist us, not to be disrespected.”

This did little to soften Andrew’s tone. Instead, he clicked his fingers at the stewardess, “Stop gawking at me and just bring me another snack!”

With tears nearly welling up in her eyes, the stewardess quietly walked away, leaving the cabin with mixed feelings from the passengers.

“I am sure your parents would be ashamed to see how you’re acting,” the elderly man muttered, turning the page of his magazine.

“Mind your own business, old man!” Andrew retorted. “I’ve paid for this flight, and I deserve good service!”

When the stewardess returned with some pretzels, Andrew rudely swatted the tray aside. “I asked for something better!”

The stewardess, unable to contain her disappointment, quietly informed him, “That’s all we have, sir.”

His loud outcry drew the attention of yet another passenger. “Show some respect!” a woman behind Andrew scolded him. “Her job is challenging, and she deserves your courtesy.”

Meanwhile, Andrew’s father, Steven, seated a few rows behind, had become aware of the situation. This was confirmed when Andrew’s insults grew louder, and Steven recognized his son’s voice.

“Is this behavior acceptable to you?” the woman snapped again when Andrew offered no apology.

Andrew’s eyes widened when he saw his father emerge from behind a couple of seats. “DAD?? WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE??” he exclaimed, caught completely off-guard. His jaw dropped, and the color drained from his face.

“ANDREW??” Steven replied, equally surprised but with an edge of anger. “I had to take this economy flight back to New York unexpectedly. I thought I heard your voice, but I couldn’t believe my own son would behave this way!”

Andrew stammered, attempting to collect himself, “But…dad…”

“Enough! Apologize to her right now!” Steven commanded. “When we get home, we’ll discuss manners and respect, but for now, you need to make things right!”

Reluctantly, Andrew faced the stewardess, uttering a half-hearted apology. Although he certainly didn’t feel remorseful, he had no choice under his father’s stern gaze.

Following their flight, Andrew returned home with his father, wary of the consequences awaiting him. In the privacy of their luxurious abode, Steven brought up the incident once more.

“You made quite an impression today,” Steven began with sarcasm. “I sent you to an esteemed school to broaden your mind, not to nurture arrogance and disrespect!”

“I don’t see the problem,” Andrew defended himself, still defiant. “She’s not…important or anything. She’s there to serve!”

“That’s where you are wrong, Andrew. No one should be treated poorly, regardless of what they do for a living. Our wealth does not entitle us to belittle anyone,” Steven asserted.

“So what does this mean?” Andrew inquired, already fearing the fallout.

“You’re not returning to your boarding school,” Steven announced decisively. “You’ll be attending public school from here on. And during your breaks, you’re going to work.”

Andrew’s jaw dropped. “Work? What do you mean?” he spluttered.

“Yes, work,” replied Steven, unmoved by Andrew’s shock. “You’ll be working as a janitor in my cleaning services business during your break.”

“A JANITOR? You can’t be serious, Dad!” Andrew protested, his face flushed with humiliation.

“It’s non-negotiable,” Steven stated, expression firm. “I’m taking away your privileges, Andrew—bank cards, your car, phone, and your fancy clothes.”

Andrew spent the coming weeks at his new job, sweeping floors and collecting trash. Accustomed to luxury, the manual labor was challenging. With his father adamant and his resources limited, Andrew had no choice but to adapt.

From day one, the work was grueling. Handling a mop was foreign to him, and his supervisor, an older woman, never let a moment slip by without nudging him to improve.

“Look at how you’re holding that mop!” she chided, suppressing a chuckle. “You need to pick up the pace!”

“Stop laughing! I’m not familiar with this,” Andrew sharply retorted. “And get back to work, or else…”

“I’m not afraid of threats,” she replied. “Your father has entrusted me to assist you in learning the ropes. Now, work!” she instructed. “These floors need cleaning!”

As the days went by, carrying water buckets, litter collection, and cleaning stairwells quickly drained him. He often yearned for breaks, only to be reminded of the importance of diligence in work.

His pride was deeply wounded on one rough day, when he experienced what it meant to be on the receiving end of jeers and demands. While cleaning the floors, a passerby threw a bottle at him, dismissing him as “just a janitor.”

Embarrassed, Andrew tried to push past the humiliation and complete his tasks. He couldn’t avoid escalator duty, even when the tiredness left him dizzy. Still, no relief seemed forthcoming.

One incident during cleanup gave Andrew pause. A woman with her grandson bossed him around to clean up a spilled mess on the airport floor.

“I’m not touching that!” he exclaimed, stepping away hastily, gagging at the thought.

“You don’t have a choice. You don’t do the job; you’ll be reported,” the woman insisted.

Heedless of his protests, Andrew realized how his behavior on the plane must have felt to the flight attendant. Faced with wiping the mess, he reluctantly got his hands dirty, realizing how it felt to be subjected to unkind treatment, and a profound change began within him.

One day, while thinking back on his actions aboard the flight, Andrew spotted the stewardess he’d wronged in the airport terminal.

Driven by a newfound understanding, he approached her. Panting from catching up, he attempted to make peace.

“You…here?” the stewardess replied, astonished at seeing him in uniform.

“I owe you an apology,” Andrew spoke clearly, remorse evident in his eyes. “I’ve wronged you, and I’m truly sorry for how I behaved.”

Her watchful smile spoke volumes. “It is heartening to know you understand now,” she responded warmly.

Though Andrew couldn’t bear to reveal more, he simply nodded and went back to his duties, a changed young man grateful for lessons learned through toil and humility.

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