Howdy, ladies! Gather ’round because Granny Mary has some interesting news to share! Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Mary, at this age, nothing surprises me anymore!” Well, hold on tight because this one’s a doozy! We’re going to talk about how frequently we fabulous ladies over 50 should be taking showers. Don’t quit reading now—trust me, you won’t believe what those dermatologist folks have to say!

Let’s start by discussing our daily routines. Back in my day, we were washing dishes in the sink, scrubbing the floors on our hands and knees, and only shampooing once a week if we felt fancy. Taking a shower every day? Well, that was considered a luxury for the rich and famous, not us hard-working gals. But times have changed, and we now have more time for ourselves. Daily showers have become more common, and let me tell you, we sure loved lathering up!
The other day, my friend Linda—who’s got one of those fancy phones that tells her all the worldly wisdom—found an article from a top-notch dermatologist. And guess what? It recommended that ladies over 50 should consider showering less often. Can you imagine? Less often! It turns out that our skin is delicate, and all that hot water and soap can dry it out more than an Arizona summer.
Now, don’t get me wrong. I love a good confession just as much as the next churchgoer. But this? This is something we might have to think about. We’re taught to be clean, but perhaps there’s more wisdom in taking care of the vessel God gave us without overdoing it. Let’s face it, our skin isn’t what it used to be. We can’t tan with baby oil and expect to bounce back like springs anymore.
After living my sixty years and counting, I’ve learned that the Good Book has answers for modern problems, even if it doesn’t explicitly mention showers! For instance, in Proverbs, we’re advised to take care of our bodies because they are temples of the Holy Spirit. But nowhere does it say that we should scrub these “temples” every single day! Maybe we’ve misinterpreted modern cleanliness, and it’s time to go back to some good ol’ common sense.
So what’s a gal to do? I’m not suggesting we abandon personal hygiene altogether, but maybe it’s time to let go of the daily scrubbing extravaganza. A good rinse every other day, coupled with a targeted cleanup of the important areas, should do us just fine. We’ll even save some money on water and soap, which sounds mighty patriotic to me—supporting our country’s resources and our wallets!
If you haven’t noticed, this less-is-more approach to showering has another hidden benefit. You know it—less time in the bathroom means more time for life’s little joys! Maybe that’s an extra cup of coffee with a friend, a few more moments in prayer, or even reading stories to the grandkids. Ladies, our lives are golden, and time is precious. So give yourself permission to enjoy these simple pleasures, guilt-free.
Well, congratulations, you made it to the end of the article! If you’re feeling fired up and ready to challenge those dermatologists at the next coffee hour, go for it! Or maybe you’ll just reconsider your shower schedule—and that’s a victory, too. We have wisdom that comes with age, and sometimes that means knowing when to let go of modern nonsense and embrace a simpler, kinder routine. So go on, give it a try. Your skin (and your free time) might just thank you!