In today’s modern world, we have made great strides in achieving pay equality between men and women. However, there are still some who hold onto outdated beliefs that women should not be paid more.

A Surprising Turn of Events
Imagine this: you receive a well-deserved 30% salary increase, and your partner’s behavior towards you takes a sudden and unpleasant twist. This happened to a woman who recently shared her story on Reddit. She and her fiancé had been engaged for five months and had decided not to share finances, respecting her fiancé’s preference. However, she noticed a troubling change in his behavior.
Unfair Expectations
As soon as she received her salary increase, her fiancé started using it to ask her to pay for him and his friends. Whenever she declined or questioned why she should foot the bill, he would dismissively retort, “the 30% increase, that’s why.” It seemed as if he believed her raise was unfair or that she did not deserve it.

A Pattern of Deception
To make matters worse, this wasn’t the first time he had tricked her into paying for him and his friends. She had reluctantly complied in the past, not wanting to cause a scene. But during a dinner with his friends last Tuesday, she made a stand. She made it clear from the beginning that she would not be paying for their food. Her fiancé assured her, saying, “I got this” and “no worries.”
A Sneaky Move
However, in the middle of their meal, he whispered to her that she would be covering the bill for the entire table. Furious, she whispered back a firm “no.” He was taking advantage of her dislike for confrontation in public, using her recent salary increase as leverage to make her pay for everyone.
A Bold Response
Rather than react negatively, she took a different approach. When the bills arrived, she paid only for her own meal, excused herself to the restroom, and silently left the restaurant. She got into her car, went home, and left her fiancé alone at the table.
Consequences and Reflection
Unsurprisingly, her fiancé started calling and texting her in a panic, wondering where she had gone. She responded, expressing her disappointment with how he had put her in that situation and tricked her into paying for his and his friends’ meals. She made it clear that she went home and did not want any further communication.

When he finally arrived home, a heated argument ensued. He called her selfish, irrational, a cheapskate, and childish for sneaking out and leaving him with a bill he couldn’t pay without seeking help from his brother. Eventually, he stormed out. His friends remained silent throughout the ordeal, but he informed her that they were disappointed in her behavior and advised him to reflect on the type of woman he intends to marry.
The Right Choice?
Now, let’s discuss this situation. Do you believe this woman did the right thing? Share your thoughts in the comments below. And don’t forget to share this article with your family and friends on Facebook!